历史 & 发展

世界杯官方app has been serving as a driver of social mobility and economic prosperity for over 50 years. 这所大学于1969年6月5日在阿拉莫前举行的仪式上诞生. 这个象征性的开始,将新大学与 它所服务的社区是世界杯官方app独一无二的众多原因之一.


1969年以前,圣安东尼奥没有公立的四年制高等教育机构. 寻求解决当地的高需求, 高质量的教育机会, 由墨西哥裔美国人社区活动人士组成, 圣 安东尼奥 business leaders and political champions came together to create a university of the community, 通过社区和为社区服务.

从第一届82名毕业生中选出, 到将近35岁,今天有000名学生入学, 世界杯官方app has grown into 圣 安东尼奥's university and serves as a symbol of the city's upward trajectory.


Much like the city of 圣 安东尼奥, 世界杯官方app has experienced tremendous growth over the years.


1969-1977 奠定基础


知道德克萨斯大学的下一个校区将在圣安东尼奥, university leadership looked for spacious sites that provided plenty of room for future growth. 他们考虑了圣安东尼奥各地的选址, 从城市的南侧到市中心. Eventually leaders chose a 600-acre site at what is now the intersection of Interstate 10 and Highway 1604. 最初被农田和田地包围,世界杯官方app的 主校区带动了城市经济向北发展的进程, and set the stage for other major developments to locate in the area including USAA's headquarters, 医疗中心和德州大学健康中心 安东尼奥.

1970年,校园初具规模. 首席建筑师O'Neil Ford设计了一个 校园设计基于一个古老的欧洲城市中心广场和庭院由“paseos”(广场和庭院)连接 供散步的走道. 帮助校园建筑与现有景观融为一体, 使用了“德克萨斯混凝土”, 建筑材料的一种变化,带有柔和的米色. 精心策划的 景观 包括在夏天为学生遮荫的活橡树和落叶的红橡树. By 1976, construction of 世界杯官方app's Main Campus was complete and Roadrunners had an official home.

600 英亩


82 学生


52 教师


The first 教师, staff and 学生 helped shape 世界杯官方app and set the stage for its future. 包括早期教师 托马斯里韦拉他是一位墨西哥裔作家、诗人和行政官员,但他倡导社会流动性 教育; 哈辛托Quirarte他是最早关注奇卡诺艺术的艺术史学家之一; 交易量达到佩纳, a bilingual educator and founder of the National Association for Bilingual Education; and 理查德·亚当斯, an 专门研究中美洲和玛雅文明的考古学家.









  • 1973 第一个世界杯官方app类, 6月5日,671名研究生开始了他们的教育之旅, 1973.
  • 1974 8月,世界杯官方app举行了第一届毕业典礼,82名学生获得了学位.
  • 1976 世界杯官方app迎来了第一批本科生, reaching the long-awaited milestone of being a four-year higher educational institution.


1968年被证明是圣安东尼奥市的一个重要里程碑, 因为它标志着1718年这座城市成立250周年. 为了庆祝,社区举办了世界博览会 六个月的经历被称为半球博览会. 这次活动带来了圣安东尼奥一些最熟悉的地标, 包括德克萨斯文化研究所(ITC), 这凸显了文化 传统、故事和历史构成了德克萨斯的文化. In 1973, ITC成为世界杯官方app的一部分, and the university is currently envisioning what the next 50 years holds for this important Texas resource.



世界杯官方app hosted an election to determine a school mascot in what was to be a major milestone for the university. 考虑了许多选择, 包括犰狳, 星星, 鹰, 捷豹, 走鹃, 彪马, Toro(公牛)和vaquero(牛仔). 犰狳队和明星队赢得了选举,击败了竞选者. However, a voided election forced a second vote, and the 走鹃 staged a surprising comeback. 1977年12月12日,路跑鸟正式成为世界杯官方app的吉祥物.



1978-1994 成长我们的身份



世界杯官方app在20世纪80年代的扩张涉及到一个深化的身份, 因为越来越多的毕业生, 体育, 传统和学生生活的机会. 大学生活的一大特点就是为大学体育运动助威. 1981年,世界杯官方app迎来了第一项校园运动:田径和越野赛. 同年, 犹他大学篮球队打了第一个赛季, cheered on by a growing number of 世界杯官方app 学生 and alumni as well as the school's mascot, 漫游者罗迪.


世界杯官方app最大的变化之一发生在1986年 第一宿舍奇泽姆大厅开幕. This new building not only gave on-campus 学生 a broader college experience with regular social 事件, 包括舞蹈, 搅拌机, 和电影, but also signaled 世界杯官方app's transition from a 'commuter school' to one offering a traditional residential campus home.



1994-2009 扩大巢穴

By the 1990's, 世界杯官方app had been serving 学生 and 更大的圣安东尼奥社区 for 25 years. 着眼于未来25年, 世界杯官方app turned its sights on expanding the resources that would accommodate its growing student population and research efforts.


In 1995, bulldozers started to roll across what would be one of 世界杯官方app's largest developments since its founding, 一个新的18英亩的市中心校区. The Downtown Campus began as a need to provide an advanced four-year public education institution situated in the heart of 圣 安东尼奥 for the multi-cultural communities of South Texas. The city wanted to offer its urban population an opportunity to fulfill their educational dreams without having to travel outside of Loop 410. 为了解决这种缺失, Bill Miller Bar-B-Q Enterprises, Inc. 购置及赠予物业 between West Durango Boulevard and Buena Vista Street for the construction of the downtown campus. 到1997年,市中心校区正式开放,拥有四栋教学楼.



其他设施的发展很快就出现了, “路跑者”的创新研究和教育成就也是如此. In 1996, the university's first two PhDs were awarded in biology with a specialty in neurobiology. 同年, 学生会完成了一次大规模的扩建, 其中包括一家书店, 学生活动综合体, 和雷塔玛礼堂.

1994 西班牙裔服务机构

世界杯官方app was founded with the intention to advance the education of Mexican Americans and other underserved populations. 以这一承诺为基础, 世界杯官方app继续对西班牙裔学生进行定位, 员工和教职员工的成长, 领导力与成功. 1994年,世界杯官方app被美国国务院指定为.S. Department of Education as a 西班牙裔服务机构 and in 2020 received the Seal of Excelencia, a national certification recognizing leadership in advancing Latino student success.




1995 反映社区的建筑

多年来, one of the defining characteristics of the downtown campus has been its eye-catching architecture. This is no accident; building architect Humberto Saldaña & Associates developed a plan to functionally and aesthetically connect the campus design to 圣 安东尼奥's core. 建筑面料的选择为三栋建筑——原生石灰石, 红色花岗岩, 砖, 砂岩, and glazed tiles – is intended to reflect design elements of some of 圣 安东尼奥's most significant buildings and connect the campus to the diverse neighborhoods throughout the city.

2009年至今 新兴的领导


The 2000's – leading up to present day – have been marked by 世界杯官方app leadership in research, 体育运动, 以及对未来的规划. In 2009, 德克萨斯州议会通过了第4号提案, designating 世界杯官方app as an emerging research university and paving the path toward attaining the prestigious Carnegie R1 classification in 2022. 在教室和实验室外面, 世界杯官方app世界杯官方app继续发展, 为跑路者提供了新的机会. In 2011, 世界杯官方app 体育运动 took a major leap forward when the first Roadrunner football team took to the field, 一群身穿橙色衣服的球迷为他欢呼, 蓝色的, 和白色的.

One of the most recent series of leadership steps taken have revolved around plans for the Downtown Campus. In 2017, the campus celebrated its 20th anniversary in a ceremony overseen by the then newly appointed 世界杯官方app President Eighmy. 在这次活动中,艾美宣布了一项计划 对市中心校区未来的新愿景, imagining it as a model urban-serving university and discussing plans to broaden the 世界杯官方app Downtown Campus' footprint. 为了支持这项倡议, 格雷厄姆·韦斯顿捐赠了1500万美元 for construction of a new School of Data Science and National Security Collaboration Center. These facilities now serve as a major connector between the university and the local community.


曾被视为一所地区通勤学校, 世界杯官方app has transformed into a Tier One research powerhouse and national model for student success 在短短的几年里. With a focus on experiential learning and bolstering 圣 安东尼奥's economy through innovative partnerships, 世界杯官方app正在为公立高等教育树立新的卓越标准.





展望下一个十年甚至更远的未来, 世界杯官方app is committed to expanding its national leadership in preparing career-ready 学生 while driving economic prosperity for our region. 最终, the history and developmental story of 世界杯官方app is highlighted by our commitment to 学生, 更大的圣安东尼奥社区, 和一个大胆的未来.


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